SQLite format 3@ 0/ 4/rCtabledecksdecks CREATE TABLE decks ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, version INTEGER NOT NULL, "currentModelId" INTEGER, "syncName" TEXT, "lastSync" FLOAT NOT NULL, "hardIntervalMin" FLOAT NOT NULL, "hardIntervalMax" FLOAT NOT NULL, "midIntervalMin" FLOAT NOT NULL, "midIntervalMax" FLOAT NOT NULL, "easyIntervalMin" FLOAT NOT NULL, "easyIntervalMax" FLOAT NOT NULL, delay0 INTEGER NOT NULL, delay1 INTEGER NOT NULL, delay2 FLOAT NOT NULL, "collapseTime" INTEGER NOT NULL, "highPriority" TEXT NOT NULL, "medPriority" TEXT NOT NULL, "lowPriority" TEXT NOT NULL, suspended TEXT NOT NULL, "newCardOrder" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newCardSpacing" INTEGER NOT NULL, "failedCardMax" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newCardsPerDay" INTEGER NOT NULL, "sessionRepLimit" INTEGER NOT NULL, "sessionTimeLimit" INTEGER NOT NULL, "utcOffset" FLOAT NOT NULL, "cardCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "factCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "failedNowCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "failedSoonCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "revCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "revCardOrder" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("currentModelId") REFERENCES models (id) )/%%!tablefactsDeletedfactsDeletedCREATE TABLE "factsDeleted" ( "factId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "deletedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY("factId") REFERENCES facts (id) )vKtablefactsfactsCREATE TABLE facts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, "modelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, tags TEXT NOT NULL, "spaceUntil" FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastCardId" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("modelId") REFERENCES models (id), CONSTRAINT "lastCardIdfk" FOREIGN KEY("lastCardId") REFERENCES cards (id) )#!tablemodelsmodelsCREATE TABLE models ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, "deckId" INTEGER, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, tags TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, features TEXT NOT NULL, spacing FLOAT NOT NULL, "initialSpacing" FLOAT NOT NULL, source INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "deckIdfk" FOREIGN KEY("deckId") REFERENCES decks (id) )`tablemediamediaCREATE TABLE media ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, filename TEXT NOT NULL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, "originalPath" TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );''5tablereviewHistoryreviewHistoryCREATE TABLE "reviewHistory" ( "cardId" INTEGER NOT NULL, time FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastInterval" FLOAT NOT NULL, "nextInterval" FLOAT NOT NULL, ease INTEGER NOT NULL, delay FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastFactor" FLOAT NOT NULL, "nextFactor" FLOAT NOT NULL, reps FLOAT NOT NULL, "thinkingTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "yesCount" FLOAT NOT NULL, "noCount" FLOAT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("cardId", time) )9M'indexsqlite_autoindex_reviewHistory_1reviewHistoryJktablesourcessourcesCREATE TABLE sources ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastSync" FLOAT NOT NULL, "syncPeriod" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRI    4:b I z 2 c  K  p 'XAi!R ;c$IG4  E,A?7@g(nytm0@fffffh@fffffh@,߾xG3  %,bA?7q@J6tL.@fffffh@fffffh@&QG2  2j,=A?7@ T 䂜nSW@fffffh@fffffh@3ƨG1  ,LA?7 @ rhr@fffffh@fffffh@"gG0  k,A?7 E@d}2/xeOP@fffffh@fffffh@=/    E,A?7 J?EEs@@fffffh@:ƨF.   j,:nA?7?1jM?}JZD@@fffffh@K'F-   ,IA?6@oG?f-@@333335@|F,   #,JA?6@ GA?9@@fffffh@*`F+   7,mA?6z@AkѺ?i@@fffffh@)_xF*   Xa,ZA?6N?^BTl?5,؎@@fffffh@&`=)    %,bA?6y?ɲ6` @@fffffh@RF(   S,bA?6@参Nl?˙˩@@fffffh@_;`F'   ,A?6[?kz?ͦnc@@fffffh@=0F&   a@Q,A?6?:rX?n>2@@fffffh@_;`=%    2j,=A?6t?ο@y@@fffffh@3P F$   yU,A?6ȝ@R1@$9E@@fffffh@\ F#   &',|A?6@1#'@g@@fffffh@'F"   ,A?6?K2 Lb@\@@fffffh@1T9XF!   ,DA?6?[1@C@@fffffh@ xQF   S,A?6x?Z\4jۭ@ @@fffffh@,7F   V_,PA?6?TX@@@fffffh@<F   f!,EA?6@a @@þH3@@333335@#hF   k,3A?6@׮vN@u@@333335@%`G  e,A?6@|hyzH@@@oG  ,"A?60?ˑH9&xQd@@@`AG  ,gA?6x?A1CsGLX^@@@ @G  @G), A?6[@f9dpE6;@@@|G  6, A?6?_OP@@@8<F   [+,XA?6l@1il:@.E@@@=    e,A?6 @w{@@@-0 F   ,p>A?6f@wdy@]@@@@=    ,"A?6r@.@@@AlF   [fU,1A?6y?{@pr@@@8F   8Q,sPA?6sx?^p@@@@4<F   ,AA?6nA@ZeGYZ@ъn@@@0F   ?, iA?6l@a^#@Rm@@@pF   g ,A?6kf@b@ؠ@ vl@@@@=    ,gA?6i@'}'@@@31(F   1Q,ZA?6d@!*C L@w@@@0 ?   +y,.A?6b@!|\@Y@@F   &O,A?6^1@‘p@h@@@4`F   S,NA?6Y(?]l@V@@@2 F   1P, A?6Ti@!Lz^@eͿ@@@C HF   :a, A?6J@Ԓz@@Eȡ@@@:H1(F   .>a, QoA?6C?bv+@@@@CpF   , \A?6:6?ג`"r@ӹH'q@@@7 =    @G), A?64A@Ĩ}@@@P =    6, A?6#l@@@@g 4 W_  Agu3 m  {  9 + O #; Q }%  eI  E,A?74%,bA?7q32j,=A?72,LA?7 1k,A?7 E0E,A?7 J/j,:nA?7.,IA?6-#,JA?6,7,mA?6z+Xa,ZA?6N*%,bA?6y)S,bA?6(,A?6['a@Q,A?6&2j,=A?6t%yU,A?6ȝ$&',|A?6#,A?6",DA?6!S,A?6x V_,PA?6,LA?6),LA?6*k,A?6Ef!,EA?6k,3A?6e,A?6,"A?60,gA?6x@G), A?6[6, A?6[+,XA?6le,A?6 ,p>A?6f,"A?6r[fU,1A?6y8Q,sPA?6sx,AA?6nA?, iA?6l g ,A?6kf ,gA?6i 1Q,ZA?6d +y,.A?6b &O,A?6^1S,NA?6Y(1P, A?6Ti:a, A?6J.>a, QoA?6C, \A?6:6@G), A?64A 6, A?6#l  0圕  A=A=BasicSimple?< ( $. 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XXPriorityVeryHighPriorityHighPriorityLowX*0(( ""eѨ圕  , Forward%(Front)s%(Back)sArial#000000Arial#000000Arial#FFFFFFe圕   , Reverse%(Back)s%(Front)sArial#000000Arial#000000Arial#FFFFFF ^W: Y rJktablesourcessourcesCREATE TABLE sources ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastSync" FLOAT NOT NULL, "syncPeriod" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );''5tablereviewHistoryreviewHistoryCREATE TABLE "reviewHistory" ( "cardId" INTEGER NOT NULL, time FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastInterval" FLOAT NOT NULL, "nextInterval" FLOAT NOT NULL, ease INTEGER NOT NULL, delay FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastFactor" FLOAT NOT NULL, "nextFactor" FLOAT NOT NULL, reps FLOAT NOT NULL, "thinkingTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "yesCount" FLOAT NOT NULL, "noCount" FLOAT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("cardId", time) )9M'indexsqlite_autoindex_reviewHistory_1reviewHistory`tablemediamediaCREATE TABLE media ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, filename TEXT NOT NULL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, "originalPath" TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )#!tablemodelsmodelsCREATE TABLE models ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, "deckId" INTEGER, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, tags TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, features TEXT NOT NULL, spacing FLOAT NOT NULL, "initialSpacing" FLOAT NOT NULL, source INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "deckIdfk" FOREIGN KEY("deckId") REFERENCES decks (id) )vKtablefactsfactsCREATE TABLE facts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, "modelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, tags TEXT NOT NULL, "spaceUntil" FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastCardId" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("modelId") REFERENCES models (id), CONSTRAINT "lastCardIdfk" FOREIGN KEY("lastCardId") REFERENCES cards (id) )/%%!tablefactsDeletedfactsDeletedCREATE TABLE "factsDeleted" ( "factId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "deletedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY("factId") REFERENCES facts (id) )rCtabledecksdecks CREATE TABLE decks ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, version INTEGER NOT NULL, "currentModelId" INTEGER, "syncName" TEXT, "lastSync" FLOAT NOT NULL, "hardIntervalMin" FLOAT NOT NULL, "hardIntervalMax" FLOAT NOT NULL, "midIntervalMin" FLOAT NOT NULL, "midIntervalMax" FLOAT NOT NULL, "easyIntervalMin" FLOAT NOT NULL, "easyIntervalMax" FLOAT NOT NULL, delay0 INTEGER NOT NULL, delay1 INTEGER NOT NULL, delay2 FLOAT NOT NULL, "collapseTime" INTEGER NOT NULL, "highPriority" TEXT NOT NULL, "medPriority" TEXT NOT NULL, "lowPriority" TEXT NOT NULL, suspended TEXT NOT NULL, "newCardOrder" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newCardSpacing" INTEGER NOT NULL, "failedCardMax" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newCardsPerDay" INTEGER NOT NULL, "sessionRepLimit" INTEGER NOT NULL, "sessionTimeLimit" INTEGER NOT NULL, "utcOffset" FLOAT NOT NULL, "cardCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "factCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "failedNowCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "failedSoonCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "revCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "revCardOrder" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("currentModelId") REFERENCES models (id) )  G 1 !!-tablecardModelscardModels CREATE TABLE "cardModels" ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, ordinal INTEGER NOT NULL, "modelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, active BOOLEAN NOT NULL, qformat TEXT NOT NULL, aformat TEXT NOT NULL, lformat TEXT, qedformat TEXT, aedformat1 !!-tablecardModelscardModels CREATE TABLE "cardModels" ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, ordinal INTEGER NOT NULL, "modelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, active BOOLEAN NOT NULL, qformat TEXT NOT NULL, aformat TEXT NOT NULL, lformat TEXT, qedformat TEXT, aedformat TEXT, "questionInAnswer" BOOLEAN NOT NULL, "questionFontFamily" TEXT, "questionFontSize" INTEGER, "questionFontColour" VARCHAR(7), "questionAlign" INTEGER, "answerFontFamily" TEXT, "answerFontSize" INTEGER, "answerFontColour" VARCHAR(7), "answerAlign" INTEGER, "lastFontFamily" TEXT, "lastFontSize" INTEGER, "lastFontColour" VARCHAR(7), "editQuestionFontFamily" TEXT, "editQuestionFontSize" INTEGER, "editAnswerFontFamily" TEXT, "editAnswerFontSize" INTEGER, "allowEmptyAnswer" BOOLEAN NOT NULL, "typeAnswer" TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("modelId") REFERENCES models (id) ) tablecardscards CREATE TABLE cards ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, "factId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "cardModelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT NOT NULL, tags TEXT NOT NULL, ordinal INTEGER NOT NULL, question TEXT NOT NULL, answer TEXT NOT NULL, priority INTEGER NOT NULL, interval FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastInterval" FLOAT NOT NULL, due FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastDue" FLOAT NOT NULL, factor FLOAT NOT NULL, "lastFactor" FLOAT NOT NULL, "firstAnswered" FLOAT NOT NULL, reps INTEGER NOT NULL, successive INTEGER NOT NULL, "averageTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "reviewTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "youngEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, "yesCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "noCount" INTEGER NOT NULL, "spaceUntil" FLOAT NOT NULL, "relativeDelay" FLOAT NOT NULL, "isDue" BOOLEAN NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL, "combinedDue" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("factId") REFERENCES facts (id), FOREIGN KEY("cardModelId") REFERENCES "cardModels" (id) )1 %%%tablemediaDeletedmediaDeletedCREATE TABLE "mediaDeleted" ( "mediaId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "deletedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY("mediaId") REFERENCES cards (id) )/ %%!tablecardsDeletedcardsDeletedCREATE TABLE "cardsDeleted" ( "cardId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "deletedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY("cardId") REFERENCES cards (id) )5 '')tablemodelsDeletedmodelsDeletedCREATE TABLE "modelsDeleted" ( "modelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "deletedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY("modelId") REFERENCES models (id) )~##CtablefieldModelsfieldModelsCREATE TABLE "fieldModels" ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, ordinal INTEGER NOT NULL, "modelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, features TEXT NOT NULL, required BOOLEAN NOT NULL, "unique" BOOLEAN NOT NULL, numeric BOOLEAN NOT NULL, "quizFontFamily" TEXT, "quizFontSize" INTEGER, "quizFontColour" VARCHAR(7), "editFontFamily" TEXT, "editFontSize" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("modelId") REFERENCES models (id) )1 $@Ow 4Q@圞' ec ,!, A=LA=LPapaDadA=L@@A=LX圩D' {} w,/!, A=IA=Ila petite-fillethe grandaughterA=I@@A=IK土g' ks w,Z!, A=RA=Rle marithe husbandA=R@@A=R]圫(  ~_,S!, A=A=les petits-enfantsthe grandchildrenA=@@A=ρR圥L' wu a,\!, A=䊳A=䊴un beau-pèrea stepfatherA=䊳@@A=䊳ρI圥' ok ;,d!, A=XA=Xun enfanta childA=X@@A=XÁIݚ圤' sg wx,h!, A=~,A=~,des jumeauxtwinsA=~,@@A=~,Mن圠' os V, x!, A=^QA=^Qle frèrethe brotherA=^Q@@A=^Qf؍圗)   , !, A=mA=ml'arrière grand-pèrethe great-grandfatherA=m@@A=mYצ圢>( q ,"颡!, A=qA=qle cousin, la cousinethe cousinA=q@@A=qKՄ圚\' sk , !, A=*2A=*2Grand-pèreGrandadA=*2@@A=*2ZҔ圜' } l, 𼢡!, A=>XA=>Xles grand-parentsthe grandparentsA=>X@@A=>XR圧' wu /,Q!, A=A=|le petit-filsthe grandsonA=@@A=UШ圢( m ',@!, A=lA=lla femme, l'épousethe wifeA=l@@A=lIϷ圣' mm į,p^!, A=tAA=tAla tantethe auntA=tA@@A=tAT圦' {u c,[!, A=qA=qune belle-mèrea stepmotherA=q@@A=qKĨ圥L' oo Xo,!, A=䇲A=䇲la niècethe nieceA=䇲@@A=䇲PĒ圥E' su w?,3!, A=HA=Hles enfantsthe childrenA=H.Ԁ圛-圥  ,LA?7V_,PA?7  ǟ圕 , Front圕  , Back3B{F f >  h C   T  t =  S !e$k8 u<;V+vN'~I^60圥\-a,\, un beau-père re%圧/+w,/, la petite-fille土2Y,, l'oncle圢^į,p^, la tante"圛 %Yc, , the daughter"ْ圦 %/,Q, the grandson$⑴E)S,E, un demi-frère$⑴E )S,E, a half-brother-圮 ;jna,|㝂, the great-granddaughter+圢7,", le cousin, la cousine圣h wx,h, twins!圞#1\C,., les parents圚юi, Q, la soeur'❼ /I,, the sister-in-lawʀ圥d ;,d, a child圢^ į,p^, the aunt 圚ю !i, Q, the sister ❘ !,, the father!圞 #1\C,., the parents,圕9, , l'arrière grand-père!圚|#,o, |, Grand-mère!圠x #V, x, the brother!圣h#wx,h, des jumeaux$圗), ֻ, le grand-père"圤 %w?,3, the children+Խ圕 7, , the great-grandfather:ղ●yU G,y, les beaux-parents (d'un(e) marié(e)圣[,, le fils7❼OI,, la belle-soeur (d'un(e) marié(e)ٰ圞ڼw,Z, le mari$⏦ )_,, the stepfather/圛?Yc, , la fille (de ses parents)ԯ圠xV, x, le frère6●y M G,y, the parents-in-law / the in-laws$ӪD)g,D, une demi-soeur"圥[ %c,[, a stepmother)ظ圡@3',@, la femme, l'épouse'Ӹ圗 /, , Grandad / GrandpaϿ圥 Xo,, the niece$␽ )H,=, the stepmother'圩S /~_,S, the grandchildren7ӠOy,Ӡ, la belle mère (d'un(e) marié(e)0␽AH,=, la belle-mère (remariage)#D 'g,D, a half-sister圠`> ,s`, le neveu#¿圦'/,Q, le petit-fils(圭j 1~ ,j, the great-grandson+޲圜> 73c,N>, the great-grandmother圞,, Papa&圚| -,o, |, Grandma / Granny(圩S1~_,S, les petits-enfants%圥[+c,[, une belle-mère-圮;jna,|, l'arrière-petite-fille!圤#w?,3, les enfantsʲ圣 [,, the son&í圧/ -w,/, the grandaughter꘲O,nO, la mère,򌻒圜>93c,N>, l'arrière-grand-mère!圗#, , Grand-père6MJG,bƻ, le beau-père (d'un(e) marié(e)圥d;,d, un enfant'² /JG,bƝ, the father-in-law 土L!C,L, la famille妤圠rG,Aл, Maman圥Xo,, la nièce'圛/l, , les grand-parents圡@ ',@, the wife ܴ˲土L !C,L, the family ׸圠` !> ,s`, the nephewڧ❘,, le père'ٖ➺ /,:, the sister-in-law ءP !,nO, the mother!圞ڼ #w,Z, the husband'׵Ӡ /y,Ӡ, the mother-in-lawڲ土 2Y,, the uncle+ԗ圭j7~ ,j, l'arrière-petit-fils Φ圢 !,"靂, the cousin&Δ圛 -l, 𼝂, the grandparents7΅ڲ➺O,:, le beau-frère (d'un(e) marié(e)"Ś圥\ %a,\, a stepfather%圗 +, ֝, the grandfather/‡⏦?_,, le beau-père (remariage)!圞 #,, Dad / Daddy!ɛ圠 #rG,AН, 2␽ Xt ! 2010-12-060@3+UU@A : !2010-12-064@2bM؞@x  :!2010-12-024@2t;@w`  " !2010-12-05" !2010-12-02" !2010-12-12  K |   | IH  l .  u Pusl"9%indexix_mediaDele +##eviewrevC-))yviewrevCardsRandomrevCardsRandomCREATE VIEW revCardsRandom as select * from cards where type = 1 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, factId, ordinal{tablestatsstatsCREATE TABLE stats ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL, day DATE NOT NULL, reps INTEGER NOT NULL, "averageTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "reviewTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "distractedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "distractedReps" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )r7tabledeckVarsdeckVarsCREATE TABLE "deckVars" ( "key" TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("key") )/Cindexsqlite_autoindex_deckVars_1deckVars tabletagstagsCREATE TABLE tags ( id integer not null, tag text not null collate nocase, priority integer not null default 2, primary key(id))!tablecardTagscardTagsCREATE TABLE cardTags ( id integer not null, cardId integer not null, tagId integer not null, src integer not null, primary key(id))K%%[tablesqlite_stat1sqlite_stat1CREATE TABLE sqlite_stat1(tbl,idx,stat)u5+indexix_cards_duePrioritycardsCREATE INDEX ix:OtablefieldsfieldsCREATE TABLE fields ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, "factId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "fieldModelId" INTEGER NOT NULL, ordinal INTEGER NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY("factId") REFERENCES facts (id), FOREIGN KEY("fieldModelId") REFERENCES "fieldModels" (id) ){tablestatsstatsCREATE TABLE stats ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL, day DATE NOT NULL, reps INTEGER NOT NULL, "averageTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "reviewTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "distractedTime" FLOAT NOT NULL, "distractedReps" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "newEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "youngEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase0" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase1" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase2" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase3" INTEGER NOT NULL, "matureEase4" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )r7tabledeckVarsdeckVarsCREATE TABLE "deckVars" ( "key" TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("key") )/Cindexsqlite_autoindex_deckVars_1deckVars tabletagstagsCREATE TABLE tags ( id integer not null, tag text not null collate nocase, priority integer not null default 2, primary key(id))!tablecardTagscardTagsCREATE TABLE cardTags ( id integer not null, cardId integer not null, tagId integer not null, src integer not null, primary key(id))K%%[tablesqlite_stat1sqlite_stat1CREATE TABLE sqlite_stat1(tbl,idx,stat)u5+indexix_cards_duePrioritycardsCREATE INDEX ix_cards_duePriority on cards (type, isDue, combinedDue, priority)u5+indexix_cards_priorityDuecardsCREATE INDEX ix_cards_priorityDue on cards (type, isDue, priority, combinedDue)T+uindexix_cards_factorcardsCREATE INDEX ix_cards_factor on cards (type, factor)T+uindexix_cards_factIdcardsCREATE INDEX ix_cards_factId on cards (factId, type)S-qindexix_stats_typeDaystatsCREATE INDEX ix_stats_typeDay on stats (type, day)R-mindexix_fields_factIdfieldsCREATE INDEX ix_fields_factId on fields (factId)e9indexix_fields_fieldModelIdfields CREATE INDEX ix_fields_fieldModelId on fields (fieldModelId)O+iindexix_fields_valuefields!CREATE INDEX ix_fields_value on fields (value)     pageSize4096 sortIndex0hEhexCache{"-6728059892650019427": "a2a1212ca70af59d", "-4963816520069483107": "bb1cfb2ca70af59d", "-8140670650574768739": "8f06872ca70af59d", "-7097093378326989411": "9d820f2ca70af59d", "-2812868310930360931": "d8f6af2ca70af59d"}NcssCache#cmq8f06872ca70af59d {font-family:"Arial";font-size:20px;color:#000000;text-align:center;} #cmqa2a1212ca70af59d {font-family:"Arial";font-size:20px;color:#000000;text-align:center;} #cma8f06872ca70af59d {font-family:"Arial";font-size:20px;color:#000000;text-align:center;} #cmaa2a1212ca70af59d 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A?7Vun demi-frère (remariage)a half-brother?kzA?TeV@Y@fffffh@A?6Y@=@=A?TeV@Y) %     G,y!, A?BnA?6yles beaux-parents (d'un(e) marié(e)the parents-in-law / the in-laws@AkѺA@m?@fffffh@A?6y@)X`@)X`A@m?圩D' {}    w,/!, A=IA?6la petite-fillethe grandaughter?[1A?^@fffffh@A?6@ p @ p A?^jIJ❘J' mq    ,nO!, A?iA?6la mèrethe mother@ GAA@iXc@fffffh@A?6@*8@*8A@iXcb(      JG,bƢ!, A?bA?7ple beau-père (d'un(e) marié(e)the father-in-law@J6A@ԏ~A?7x@fffffh@fffffhA?6y@&r@&rA@ԏ~ 4" f A  J % Ju4\0'indexix_cards_sortcards0CREATE INDEX ix_cards_sort on cards (question collate nocase) /##eviewacqCardsNewacqCardsNewCREATE VIEW acqCardsNew as select * from cards where type = 2 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, due desca7indexix_media_originalPathmedia"CREATE INDEX ix_media_originalPath on media (originalPath)k9%indexix_cardsDeleted_cardIdcardsDeleted#CREATE INDEX ix_cardsDeleted_cardId on cardsDeleted (cardId)r =' indexix_modelsDeleted_modelIdmodelsDeleted$CREATE INDEX ix_modelsDeleted_modelId on modelsDeleted (modelId)k!9%indexix_factsDeleted_factIdfactsDeleted%CREATE INDEX ix_factsDeleted_factId on factsDeleted (factId)l"9%indexix_mediaDeleted_factIdmediaDeleted&CREATE INDEX ix_mediaDeleted_factId on mediaDeleted (mediaId)d#3indexix_cardTags_tagCardcardTags'CREATE INDEX ix_cardTags_tagCard on cardTags (tagId, cardId)Z$1uindexix_cardTags_cardIdcardTags(CREATE INDEX ix_cardTags_cardId on cardTags (cardId)~%7;indexix_cards_intervalDesccards)CREATE INDEX ix_cards_intervalDesc on cards (type, isDue, priority desc, interval desc)h&+indexix_cards_dueAsccards*CREATE INDEX ix_cards_dueAsc on cards (type, isDue, priority desc, due)['/indexix_media_filenamemedia+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_media_filename on media (filename)H(#gindexix_tags_tagtags,CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_tags_tag on tags (tag))##gviewfailedCardsfailedCardsCREATE VIEW failedCards as select * from cards where type = 0 and isDue = 1 order by type, isDue, combinedDue*##oviewrevCardsOldrevCardsOldCREATE VIEW revCardsOld as select * from cards where type = 1 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, interval desc +##eviewrevCardsNewrevCardsNewCREATE VIEW revCardsNew as select * from cards where type = 1 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, interval,##[viewrevCardsDuerevCardsDueCREATE VIEW revCardsDue as select * from cards where type = 1 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, due-))yviewrevCardsRandomrevCardsRandomCREATE VIEW revCardsRandom as select * from cards where type = 1 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, factId, ordinal.##[viewacqCardsOldacqCardsOldCREATE VIEW acqCardsOld as select * from cards where type = 2 and isDue = 1 order by priority desc, due S( c ! dL{ X J %  &  |{7 " l ,,,Nun demi-frère (remariage),Nun beau-père (remariage),LUla belle-soeur (d'un(e) marié(e)j,:n.le beau-fUle beau-frère (d'un(e) marié(e)E,;mle père,I;mla mère#,JX%les beaux-parents (d'un(e) marié(e)7,mUla belle mère (d'un(e) marié(e)Xa,ZTle beau-père (d'un(e) marié(e)%,b i5une demi-soeurune demi-soeur (remariage)S,bNla belle-mère (remariage)a@Q,Mle beau-père (remariage)2j,=K l'arrière-petite-filleyU,:kl'oncleg ,;mle neveu[fU,1:kle fils[+,XAyle grand-père@G), =qla famille?, i;mla soeur:a, 8gMaman8Q,sP>sles parents1Q,ZMla fille (de ses parents)1P, >sGrand-mère.>a, QoIl'arrière-petit-fils&',|J l'arrière-grand-mère&O,7ePapa+y,.B{la petite-fille,D:kle mari,gFles petits-enfants,AAun beau-père,L<oun enfantk,>sdes jumeauxk,3<ole frère,AJ l'arrière grand-père6, Ile cousin, la cousine,p>>sGrand-père, \Dles grand-parentsS,N@wle petit-filsS,Gla femme, l'épouse,";mla tantee,Cune belle-mèreV_,P<ola nièce),L>sles enfantsf!,E   ⟂)      ,:!, A? jA?7ble beau-frère (d'un(e) marié(e)the brother-in-law@g(nA@zIo-A?7J@fffffh@fffffhA?7 J@4"@D"A@zIo-圯)      jna,|㢡!, A=(A?6țl'arrière-petite-fillethe great-granddaughter@R1A@4+Dߦ@fffffh@A?6ț@o@oA@4+Dߦh土' ko    2Y,!, A=VA?6kfl'onclethe uncle@b@ؠAA#]@@A?6kf@@@@AA#]Њ⑴( y    H,=!, A?!A?6la belle-mère (remariage)the stepmother?:rXA?_@fffffh@A?6@O@@O@A?_j圡1' mq    > ,s`!, A=f(A?6yle neveuthe nephew?{A?Y@@A?6y@8|(@8|(A?Yfť圣X' kk    [,!, A=wA?6jle filsthe son@1il:AA9h@@A?6j@;`@;`AA9h ●Z(     y,Ӡ!, A?ɯwA?6Mla belle mère (d'un(e) marié(e)the mother-in-law?^BTlA?`H=@fffffh@A?6M@&8@&8A?`H=z圗' y{     , ֢!, A==A?6[le grand-pèrethe grandfather@f9AA `L)@@A?64A@|@|AA `l圠i' qq    C,L!, A=ZA?6lla famillethe family@a^#AAV+@@A?6l@`A@`AAAV+j圛' mq    i, Q!, A=1A?6Jla soeurthe sister@ԒzAAնu(@@A?6J@:@@:@AAնu(h圠P' gs    rG,AТ!, A=a}A?6sxMamanMum / Mummy?^pA?Y'@@A?6sx@40@40A?Y' ␽( y     _,!, A?PuA?7le beau-père (remariage)the stepfather@ T 䂜A@LlA?7cs@fffffh@fffffhA?6t@3@CA@Llnʒ圞ڝ' ss    1\C,.!, A=OA?6dles parentsthe parents@!*C LAB }!@@A?6d@p@pAB }! (4_  _  H s ' Q { " L }  G WDqk8 u<;V+vN'~I^6%圧/+w,/, la petite-fille土2Y,, l'oncle圢^į,p^, la tante"圛 %Yc, , the daughter"ْ圦 %/,Q, the grandson$⑴E)S,E, un demi-frère$⑴E )S,E, a half-brother-圮 ;jna,|㝂, the great-granddaughter+圢7,", le cousin, la cousine圣h wx,h, twins!圞#1\C,., les parents圚юi, Q, la soeur'❼ /I,, the sister-in-lawʀ圥d ;,d, a child圢^ į,p^, the aunt 圚ю !i, Q, the sister ❘ !,, the father!圞 #1\C,., the parents,圕9, , l'arrière grand-père!圚|#,o, |, Grand-mère!圠x #V, x, the brother!圣h#wx,h, des jumeaux$圗), ֻ, le grand-père"圤 %w?,3, the children+Խ圕 7, , the great-grandfather:ղ●yU G,y, les beaux-parents (d'un(e) marié(e)圣[,, le fils7❼OI,, la belle-soeur (d'un(e) marié(e)ٰ圞ڼw,Z, le mari$⏦ )_,, the stepfather/圛?Yc, , la fille (de ses parents)ԯ圠xV, x, le frère6●y M G,y, the parents-in-law / the in-laws$ӪD)g,D, une demi-soeur"圥[ %c,[, a stepmother)ظ圡@3',@, la femme, l'épouse'Ӹ圗 /, , Grandad / GrandpaϿ圥 Xo,, the niece$␽ )H,=, the stepmother'圩9圥'í圧/ /w,/, the granddaughter!ɛ圠 #rG,AН, Mum / Mummy!圞 #,, Dad / Daddy/‡⏦?_,, le beau-père (remariage)%圗 +, ֝, the grandfather ,圥\ %a,\, a stepfather7΅ڲ➺O,:, le beau-frère (d'un(e) marié(e)&Δ圛 -l, 𼝂, the grandparents Φ圢 !,"靂, the cousin+ԗ圭j7~ ,j, l'arrière-petit-filsڲ土 2Y,, the uncle'׵Ӡ /y,Ӡ, the mother-in-law!圞ڼ #w,Z, the husband ءP !,nO, the mother o0圥\/a,\, un beau-père re(ٖ➺ 1,:, the brother-in-lawڧ❘,, le père ׸圠` !> ,s`, the nephew ܴ˲土L !C,L, the family圡@ ',@, the wife'圛/l, , les grand-parents圥Xo,, la nièce妤圠rG,Aл, Maman 土L!C,L, la famille'² /JG,bƝ, the father-in-law圥d;,d, un enfant6MJG,bƻ, le beau-père (d'un(e) marié(e)!圗#, , Grand-père,򌻒圜>93c,N>, l'arrière-grand-mère꘲O,nO, la mère(0圧/ -w,/, the grandaughterʲ圣 [,, the son!圤#w?,3, les enfants-圮;jna,|, l'arrière-petite-fille/圥[+c,[, une belle-mère(圩S1~_,S, les petits-enfants&圚| -,o, |, Grandma / Granny圞,, Papa+޲圜> 73c,N>, the great-grandmother(圭j 1~ ,j, the great-grandson#¿圦'/,Q, le petit-fils圠`> ,s`, le neveu#D 'g,D, a half-sister0␽AH,=, la belle-mère (remariage) ({  D u  B k : a  4 _  @ j =bA*V0ӪDAg,D, une demi-soeur (remariage)0⑴EAS,E, un demi-frère (remariage)7ӠOy,Ӡ, la belle mère (d'un(e) marié(e)'圩S /~_,S, the grandchildren$␽ )H,=, the stepmotherϿ圥 Xo,, the niece'Ӹ圗 /, , Grandad / Grandpa)ظ圡@3',@, la femme, l'épouseZ圥[ %c,[, a stepmother.D)g,D, une demi-soeur6●y M G,y, the parents-in-law / the in-lawsԯ圠xV, x, le frère/圛?Yc, , la fille (de ses parents)$⏦ )_,, the stepfatherٰ圞ڼw,Z, le mari7❼OI,, la belle-soeur (d'un(e) marié(e)圣[,, le fils:ղ●yU G,y, les beaux-parents (d'un(e) marié(e)+Խ圕 7, , the great-grandfather"圤 %w?,3, the children$圗), ֻ, le grand-père!圣h#wx,h, des jumeaux!圠x #V, x, the brother!圚|#,o, |, Grand-mère,圕9, , l'arrière grand-père!圞 #1\C,., the parents ❘ !,, the father 圚ю !i, Q, the sister圢^ į,p^, the auntʀ圥d ;,d, a child'❼ /I,, the sister-in-law圚юi, Q, la soeur!圞#1\C,., les parents圣h wx,h, twins+圢7,", le cousin, la cousine-圮 ;jna,|㝂, the great-granddaughter$⑴E )S,E, a half-brother.⑴E)S,E, un demi-frère"ْ圦 %/,Q, the grandson"圛 %Yc, , the daughter圢^į,p^, la tante土2Y,, l'oncle%圧/+w,/, la petite-fille